Sunday, March 2, 2008

a bunnys tale, the beginnings......

here at the farm, a strange thing started happening.
we had always lived with the comins and goins of many kitties. it seemed when humans tired of their kitties some of them thought it would be just fine to leave them on the side of the road...and, well, as i turned out, our 10 acrea woodlot just happened to be on the side of this road.
so for a long time, the farm was a reststop for wayward kitties. some more wayward than others, and some turned out to be on the extended stay plan.
and then a something started to happen. just as quickly as the
kitties showed up, they started disappearin,until there was just one, nada.
well, strange as that seems, it gets stranger still, cause we started noticin, here in the woods, little bits of "fluff". not like the kind we find from our angora goats, those are more like woolie curls, as angora goats have "naturally coily hair", as olivia likes to say.
so anyway, first we just noticed little bits of fluff, and things dartin around in the brush, and little bits of this and that disappearin from the barn, and yard and house.
and then one evening, just as the moon was risin, i had my first glimpse.
a bunny was in the castle yard, rootin around in the herb garden...........and she was puttin herbs, and acorns, and all kinda things in a ....basket!

"oh" i said, with just a touch of fear. i was just a little startled, you see to see a bunny in the garden , dressed in a dress, with a sweater, apron and a little basket.....and collecting herbs from the garden!
"oh,good evening," she said, without a trace of fear....why she didnt even look up at me , she just kept on with her job.
"i am almost finshed, she said and then you might join me in my evening break."
oh yes, i thought , i could do that............and that was how i came to learn about the bonneybunnies and how they had come to the farm.


Nancy Jo said...

Look my Bonnie Buuny is famous!!!

Zan Asha said...

That i toooo cute!

Farmhouse Blessings said...


Kay-The Rustic Cottage said...

I love it! Can't wait for the next installment. Your bunnies are adorable.


Day4plus said...

I just love Bunny Tales. Can't wait to hear more. Is my little horsey going to be appearing in the story? MB

frannie said...

yes, nancy jo, at least here for sure your bunny is farmous and #1!
thanks to all for the encouragement, hoping that my blog will continue to post pics for me!
....and yes , i do believe the little horsey will show up in our story.
olivia and frannie in texas